Professor Fiona Macintosh

Academic Background

1980 University of Leeds, BA hons. English and Greek Civilisation
1981 University of Leeds, MA English Literature
1990 University of London (King's College), Ph.D (Classics/Comparative Literature)

Research Interests

Greek Drama and Epic, Classical Reception, Reception of Greek and Roman Drama and in the modern world, Epic on stage, Ancient and modern dance, Classical Reception in Ireland and Britain, Reception of Greek Drama in France, Vernacular translation of Greek and Roman Drama, Shakespeare and the Greeks.

Research Keywords

Greek Drama, Greek Tragedy, Tragedy, Modern Theatre, Greek and Roman Epic, Ireland,Theatre History, Dance.


Reception of Greek and Roman literature in English Poetry, Reception of Greek drama in the modern theatre, Tragedy, Reception Theory.


Full Publications: professor_fiona_macintosh_publications.pdf

Selected Publications:

2024 ‘On Staging or not staging Sophocles’ Ajax’ in S. Speriani and S. Harrison (eds), Polytropos Ajax: Roots, Evolution, and Reception of a Multifaceted Hero (De Gruyter), 165-176.

2024 ‘Crossing Bridges: Derek Mahon and a Resistant Tragic Tradition’ in A. Augousakis, S. Frangoulidis and T.S. Thorsen (eds), Classical Enrichment: Greek and Latin Literature and its Receptions: Studies in Honour of Stephen J. Harrison (De Gruyter), 409-418.

2024 ‘Performance Reception of the Plays, Then and Now’ in D. Stuttard (ed.), Looking at Greek Drama: Origins, Contexts and Afterlives of Ancient Plays and Playwrights (Bloomsbury), 214-226.

2024 ‘Échange d’expériences: l’archive comme salle des machines et plateforme digitale’, Revue d’historiographie du théâtre 9: