The Story of Cyrenaican Horses in the Greek and Roman Periods and its Reality

ancient north africa histories cities and landscapes

Oxford Ancient History Faculty Seminar Hilary Term 2023 Tuesdays 4pm at the Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles

Ancient North Africa: Histories, Cities, and Landscapes

Week 4 (7 February) Muna Haroun Abdelhamed (joint with BILNAS – The British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies)

The Story of Cyrenaican Horses in the Greek and Roman Periods and its Reality

Our knowledge about breeding horses in Cyrenaica during Greek and Roman periods is mainly derived from ancient literary references. This talk presents the main stories about this noble animal and Cyrenaican charioteers’ performance in overseas athletic games. It also addresses whether these assertions represent a reality or, simply a convention.


Jo Quinn (, Niccolò Mugnai, Monica Hellström, Tim Smith