The ARCH Project Conference: Crossing the Mountains

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Crossing the Mountains

Communities, identities and mobilities across the Pyrenees
(5th-1st century B.C.)

28-29 March 2022




DAY 1 (AM)

9.00-9.15. Andrew Meadows et al. – Welcome.

9.15-9.40. Pierre Moret – Introduction. The Pyrenees in the Greek and Roman representations of Western Europe, from Herodotus to Pliny the Elder


Session 1. Cultures and identities


9.50. Noemí Moncunill Martí, Coline Ruiz Darasse - A duobus Pyrenaei promunturiis. Writing and literacy on both sides of the Pyrenees

10.15. Philippe Gardes, Oriol Olesti, Xabier Peñalver - Settlement patterns around the Pyrenees: from the Ebro valley to the Aquitan Isthmus (VI-I a.C.)

10.40. Discussions

11.00. Pause

11.20. Silvia Alfayé, Sonia Machause, Consuelo Mata, Réjane Roure - Iron Age sacred spaces and ritual practices on both sides of the Pyrenees (5th-1st centuries BC)

11.45. Anaïs Cheuton, Barbara Armbruster – Personal ornaments between Atlantic and Mediterranean, a case study: the gold torcs from the Toulouse area. Typological, technological and archaeometrical approaches

12.10. Discussions

12.30. Lunch break


Session 2. Networks, circulations and conquest


14.30. Alexandre Bertaud, Raimon Graells i Fabregat - Warfare networks through the Pyreneans from 5th to 1st century BC

14.55. François Cadiou - The Pyrenees in the wars of Republican Rome (3rd-1st century BC)

15.20. Discussions

15.35. Carles Padrós, Oihane Mendizabal, Elena Torregaray - New contributions on the beginnings of the Roman occupation of the Pyrenees: the role of the roads

15.50. Laurent Callegarin, François Réchin, Benoît Pace - Settlement and circulation in the western Pyrenean areas (2ndcentury BC - 2nd century AD)

16.15. Discussions

DAY 2 (AM)

Session 3. Metals and measures


9.00. Pere Pau Ripollès, Manuel Gozalbes, Alejandro Peña, Francisco Onielfa – (MIB)

9.25. Emmanuelle Meunier, Argitxu Beyrie, Jean-Marc Fabre - Mining in the Pyrenean area between the 5th and 1stcenturies BC

9.50. Thibaud Poigt - Weighing practices on both sides of the Pyrenees during the Iron Age

10.15. Discussions

10.30. Pause

11.00. Charles Parisot-Sillon –Monetary activities, metallic circulations and connectivity on both sides of the Pyrenees (2nd-1st centuries BC)

11.25. Eneko Hiriart, Élodie Paris, Vincent Geneviève – Coinages and monetary dynamics between the Ebro and the Charente

11.50. Discussions and conclusions



Please contact Professor Andrew Meadows if you wish to attend